List of James Bond henchmen in Octopussy

A list of henchmen from the 1983 James Bond film Octopussy from the List of James Bond henchmen.


Mischka and Grischka

Mischka and Grischka
Character from the James Bond franchise
Affiliation Kamal Khan, Octopussy’s Circus (formerly).
Portrayed by

David Meyer (Mischka)

Anthony Meyer (Grischka)

Mischka and Grischka are twin knife-throwers in Octopussy’s Circus and are henchmen to Kamal Khan. Mischka is portrayed by David Meyer, while Grischka is portrayed by his brother Anthony Meyer.


Mischka is first seen following the opening credits, as he and his brother attempt to kill Agent 009, who is disguised as a circus clown. After a short chase, they kill the agent with a thrown knife to the back. Mischka is later seen in the circus train with Gobinda, in the car concealing the nuclear weapon into the circus cannon with a welding torch. When Bond discovers that the nuclear bomb is in place, Mischka notices Bond behind him from 007's reflection in a piece of jewelry. Mischka spins around and temporarily blinds Bond with the torch. After a few unsuccessful attempts to kill Bond with throwing knives, 007 eliminates Mischka by dropping the cannon in the train on his head and killing him. Bond then disguises himself in Mischka's clothes and dumps the body into the cannon barrel.


Grischka, also seen attempting to kill 009, later joins Gobinda in attempting to kill Bond on the top of the circus train. When Bond and Grischka fall off the train and onto the grass, Bond flees to an apparently abandoned shed, with Grischka in pursuit. Grischka then pins Bond to a door with his knives. Declaring "And this...for my brother", he charges Bond with a drawn knife, intent on killing him. At the last second, Bond is able to open the door to which he is pinned, and Grischka stumbles past him and loses his balance. Bond then takes the knife pinning him to the door and throws it at Grischka, killing him. Bond then coldly says "And that's for 009".


Character from the James Bond franchise
Affiliation Kamal Khan
Portrayed by Kabir Bedi

Gobinda, portrayed by Indian actor Kabir Bedi, is Kamal Khan's chief henchman and bodyguard. He is a Sikh and is instantly recognisable by his turban. A man of few words, he possesses a huge physical presence and has the strength to crush dice with his bare hand. Gobinda is first seen in London, waiting outside the building where Khan is at an auction, at which he wins a Faberge Egg (Unknown to Khan, the egg is in fact a replica). Later in India, when 007 comes to Delhi, Gobinda is present at a hotel casino where Kamal is winning largely at backgammon. He follows Khan everywhere, and chases Bond through the streets of Delhi, as well as through the Indian jungle by shooting at Bond with a sniper rifle when, after Bond is knocked out by Gobinda in the former's hotel suite and later escapes Kamal's heavily fortified Monsoon Palace. He has also attempted to murder Bond for his own reasons as shown after Bond beats Khan in the game of backgammon.

Obedient to the end, Gobinda only questions his orders when Khan forces him to climb onto the outside of an airborne plane to get Bond, who is trying to stop them after they have captured Octopussy. Bond and Gobinda fight on top of the plane, but Bond defeats Gobinda by letting a wire antenna snap into his face. Gobinda subsequently falls off the plane and to his death.

Dr. Lenkin

Dr. Lenkin
Character from the James Bond franchise
Affiliation General Orlov
Portrayed by Peter Porteous

Dr. Lenkin, played by actor Peter Porteous, is an expert in art forgery who is on the payroll of General Orlov. He is hired to duplicate the famous Fabergé egg "Property of a Lady" for Kamal Khan, but the egg never arrives thanks to Bond's interference. He's eventually caught by General Gogol and presumably arrested for his crime.

Hired Thugs

Hired Thugs
Character from the James Bond franchise
Affiliation Kamal Khan
Portrayed by William Derrick, R.J. Bell, Ravinder Singh Reyett

The Hired Thugs are portrayed by Ravinder Singh Reyett (weaponless thug), R.J. Bell (axe-wielding thug) and William Derrick (yo-yo razor blade-wielding thug). As their names suggests the Hired Thugs are a trio of thugs hired by Kamal Khan in a seedy bar to kill Bond. Although at first they're hesitant to do so since Bond is residing at Octopussy's palace at the time he ultimately convinces them to do so. The most famous of the thugs is one who wields a yo-yo that has a saw blade on it. They later kill Vijay by slicing his stomach open off-screen with said yo-yo. Later on the yo-yo thug almost kills Bond but Bond manages to dodge out of the way when a bead of sweat alerts him to the danger. The other two thugs then attack as well one wielding an axe, the other weaponless. Bond and Octopussy flee to Octopussy's study locking the door behind them although the axe-wielding thug manages to follow them in. He is killed when Bond smashes him into a water tank containing a poisonous octopus which latches on his face and kills him. The other two thugs then break into the study although the yo-yo thug's weapon proves for the most part useless at close range and thus is killed by Octopussy when he is shot in the neck with a dart gun. The remaining thug (the weaponless thug) is then tackled off of the balcony into the lake below where a crocodile approaches and devours him. Octopussy and her women think that Bond has been killed along with the thug, although Bond has escaped with the help of his crocodile suit.

Colonel Luis Toro

Luis Toro
Character from the James Bond franchise
Affiliation Self-employed
Portrayed by Ken Norris

Colonel Luis Toro is a fictional character from the James Bond film Octopussy. He is played by actor Ken Norris.

James Bond is assigned to impersonate Colonel Toro in order to sabotage to a top-secret spy plane in Cuba, but the real Colonel Toro shows up and blows Bond's cover. After escaping his guards, Bond takes off in a miniplane, and the perimeter guards fire a smart missile at him. Bond escapes narrowly by flying through the hangar, making the missile come after him, despite Toro's desperate attempt to have the hangar doors closed immediately. The missile destroys the hangar and Toro, along with most if not all of those near the hangar at the time.[1]
